AIA presents: Sacred Spaces and Human Sacrifice

Christina Conlee lectures on Sacred Spaces and Human Sacrifice.

The ancient Nasca people of southern Peru inspired a long line of theories and myths to explain the mystery of the Nasca Lines. Peru’s Nasca lines are a number of ancient geoglyphs, or designs on the ground which are made up of stone or other natural materials. This archaeological find has left many in the field perplexed to the purpose and reasoning behind the Lines’ use. Throughout the last 20 years, much has been discovered about the ancient Nasca people. A boldface “Eureka!” arose upon uncovering the Lines’ connection to Nasca religion. It was found that these sacred places were once used as grounds for sacrificial ceremonies to ensure fertility and the continuation of society.

In the Nadzia Borowski Series Lecture, Christina Conlee will be discussing the story behind these Lines in connection with Nasca cultural and religious history. This riveting lecture will be presented on Friday, March 28th at 7:00pm in Room 108 of the Psychology Building. This event is free and open to the public, with a reception to follow afterward.


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